Legal warning

By virtue of the Law 15/1999, December 13th, on personal character Data Protection, we bring to your knowledge that your personal data that may be part of this communication are registered in a file and whose owner is the trade company LUZDEN; The purpose of this file is to manage the desired service.  

In order to use the page the express acceptance of the user is required of each and every clause which are included in this Legal Warning, as well as each and every warning or any specific clauses which are established for the contracting of determined services, products or use of areas of the page.

In case of none acceptance of the established clauses in this Legal Warning, the user shall avoid accessing and/or using of the services and/or contents at their disposal on the page, proceeding to abandon it.


The user is obliged to not use the page to carry out activities contrary to the law, moral, public order and, in general, to make use according to the established conditions in this Legal Warning. In addition, they are obliged to not carry out advertising activities or commercial exploitation sending messages which use a false identity.

The company are solely responsible of the page as service provider of information on their own services, not being held responsible for the contents which, violating these general conditions, users may send or publish, being the user the sole responsible to be held for the veracity and legality of them.

The Company may interrupt the service of the page that is being used by the user and dissolve immediately the relation between the user and the company if they detect a use of the page or any of the services that are offered that may be considered contrary to the expressed content of this Legal Warning.


The whole of this page: text, images, brands, graphs, logotypes, clicks, software files, colour combinations, as well as layout, selection, order and content presentation, is protected by the laws of Intellectual and Industrial Property, and its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is strictly forbidden, except for personal and private use.

The Company does not guarantee that the contents are accurate or error free or their free use of themselves by the user does not violate third parties’ rights. Good or bad use of this page and its contents are the users’ responsibility.

Moreover, the reproduction, retransmission, copy, transfer or dissemination, totally or partially, of the content information on the page, whatever the purpose or means used for it, are strictly forbidden unless it’s been previously authorized by the Company.


The page may include links to third parties. The pages which belong to third parties have not been revised nor are subject to controls by the Company. In any case, the Company shall not be held responsible for the contents of these web sites or the measures that are taken related to their privacy or their personal character data treatment.

The Company recommends a thorough reading of the conditions of use and the privacy policy of these sites.

In case of being interested in activating a link to some of the pages of the Company, you shall communicate to them, obtaining express consent to create the link. The Company reserves the right to oppose the activation of the links on their web site.


The Company reminds their users of legal age, in charge of minors, that it shall be their exclusive responsibility to determine which services and/or contents are appropriate for the minors’ age.

The Company informs you that there are computer programmes that allow filtering and blocking access to determined contents are services, so that parents or guardians, for instance, may decide which contents and services of Internet to which minors may have or may not have access.


The Company shall not be held responsible directly or secondarily for:

The quality of the service, the speed of access, the proper performance or availability or continuity of the performance of the Page.

Damage that may cause on users equipments for the use of the Page.

In case that a third party, breaking the established safety measures, accesses the messages or uses them for the sending of computer virus.

Vices and flaws of all kinds of contents transmitted, disseminated, stored or at their disposal.

The legality, reliability and usage of the contents that users transmit with the use of the page or the services that are offered on it, as well as the truthfulness or accuracy. The Company does not control the use the users make of the Page, nor do they guarantee its compliance with what has been established in this Legal Warning.

By way of example and without limitation, the user shall be held responsible for:

The contents introduced by them, especially those including introduced data and information and sent  to the Company through the Page or on the Page.

The carrying out of any kind of licit act, harmful to rights, damaging and/or detrimental.

The custody of their user names and passwords, being responsible not to tell third parties, in order to avoid identity substitutions or providing fake or incorrect data.


This Legal Warning is written originally in Spanish, and is subject to the current Spanish legislation. For any kind of controversy derived from the use of offered services or own contents of the Page, the parties with the acceptance of clauses established in this Legal Warning shall be subject to the appropriate Courts of Law of Barcelona.


LUZDEN COMPANY informs the users of the page about the current legislation as related to data protection of personal character, privacy of the users and secrecy and safety of personal data.

For this, the necessary technical and organizational measures are taken to guarantee the safety of the personal character data on it and to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or non-authorized access, on account of the state of the technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.

The personal provided data shall be included in the files, manually or automatically registered in the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, under the name of the Company, and shall be used for its adequate management in the contractual relation.

We inform you that you can make use of your rights to access, rectify and cancel through written communication addressed C/BAILEN (VALENCIA)

There is a specific link on privacy policy on our web: privacy policy

The user shall be the only one responsible for the veracity of the provided data to the Company.

The navigation through the Page leaves a trace with the IP address assigned by your access provider; this data shall only be used for management purposes of statistic information of the Page.

The Company manages their server environment appropriately, with a firewall infrastructure of strict compliance. They use updated technology continuously to make sure that the confidentiality and privacy of the information does not get compromised.


This Legal Warning is written originally in Spanish, and is subject to the current Spanish legislation. For any kind of controversy derived from the use of offered services or own contents of the Page, the parties with the acceptance of clauses established in this Legal Warning shall be subject to the appropriate Courts of Law.